A parade route is 3 4 mile long. There will be a refreshment stand at the beginning and end of the route. There will also be 8 refreshment stands along the route. All the refreshment stands are equally-spaced apart. How far apart are the refreshment stands in feet?



yeah, same!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Every crazy here

I think it's 365 I don't know. If I get it wrong I will blame you!!!

I don't know your spouse to give me the answers, not we to solve this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Idk what it is

stortroopers are cool

Yes, they are a very iconic and popular part of the Star Wars franchise.

440 people

I'm sorry, but based on the information you provided, I cannot determine that the answer is 440 people. Could you please provide more context or information so I can help you better?