
Choose the best answer.

If calcium levels are too low, _____ is activated.


bone resorption


bone deposit

Choose the best answer.

If calcium levels are too high, _____ is activated.


bone resorption

bone deposit


To choose the best answer for question 16, we need to understand the relationship between low calcium levels and the activation of certain substances or processes. In this case, if calcium levels are too low, we want to know which option is activated.

To get the answer, we can recall the key players involved in regulating calcium levels in the body. One of those players is calcitonin, which is a hormone that is released when calcium levels are high. Calcitonin helps decrease calcium levels by inhibiting bone resorption, or the breakdown of bone tissue.

Given this information, we can conclude that if calcium levels are too low, the correct answer is "calcitonin" because it is activated to prevent further decrease in calcium levels. So, the best answer for question 16 is "calcitonin."

Similarly, to choose the best answer for question 18, we need to consider the relationship between high calcium levels and the activation of certain substances or processes. In this case, we want to know which option is activated when calcium levels are too high.

Again, we can recall the key players involved in regulating calcium levels. When calcium levels are high, bone breakdown or resorption is increased to release excess calcium into the bloodstream. Bisphosphonates, which are a type of medication, are often used to inhibit this bone breakdown and reduce high calcium levels.

Based on this information, we can conclude that if calcium levels are too high, the correct answer is "bisphosphonate" because it is activated to reduce bone resorption and lower calcium levels. So, the best answer for question 18 is "bisphosphonate."