Include the following information in the Description column for each row: • Identify and describe the object? • Where did you find this object? • What meaning does it hold? • How is this meaning conveyed in the visual characteristics of the piece?

What do these objects suggest about what is important to you?
A little help or maybe a link to help me understand what this means.

Read through many of these (skip the negative ones!) and make notes about anything that makes you say "YESSSS!" That's how you'll start getting some ideas about why some pieces of art appeal to you and others don't.

Examples for me — Picasso's paintings
Early paintings — I've always liked these:

Later paintings — These drive me nuts, and I usually pass 'em right by.

Thanks! I can always count on you Writeacher!

Any links, Writeacher?

Sure, I'd be happy to help you understand what the question is asking for.

In this case, you are being asked to analyze a set of objects and discuss what they suggest about what is important to you. To do this, you need to examine each object in terms of its identity, location, meaning, and visual characteristics.

1. Object Identification and Description: For each object, you should clearly state what it is and provide a brief description. For example, if one of the objects is a painting, you would describe the subject matter, style, and medium of the painting.

2. Location: Identify where you found each object, such as whether it is in your home, a specific room, or a particular place you often visit. This context can provide insights into why you chose to display or keep that object.

3. Meaning: Discuss the meaning or significance of each object. Explain how it holds personal value to you, what it represents, or why it is important. This meaning could be tied to personal memories, values, aspirations, or relationships.

4. Visual Characteristics: Examine the visual characteristics of each object, such as color, shape, texture, form, or composition. Explain how these visual elements contribute to conveying the meaning and significance of the object. For example, the use of vibrant colors in a painting may convey a sense of energy and joy.

Now, as for finding more information or examples to help you understand this concept, here are a few suggestions:

1. Art and Design Appreciation: Look up resources or online courses on art and design appreciation. These can provide you with a deeper understanding of how visual characteristics convey meaning and communicate messages.

2. Object Analysis: Search for guides or tutorials on object analysis in fields such as art history, anthropology, or cultural studies. These resources can give you frameworks for analyzing objects and their symbolism.

3. Personal Reflection: Take some time to reflect on objects that are important to you and their significance in your own life. This introspection can help you develop a better understanding of how objects can reflect personal values and priorities.

Remember, the goal is to analyze the objects and discuss what they suggest about what is important to you. By examining their identity, location, meaning, and visual characteristics, you can gain insights into your personal values and priorities.