how do i evalute this problem if possible.

i will decribe it

it has an index of 3 then a squaroot sign then for the radicand (-64)

since the cube root of 64 is 4(4 times 4 times 4 = 64).. the (-) part, you just tack on, since a (-) times (+) times (-) equals a (-). so the answer will be -4.

Check: -4 time -4 = 16.
16 times -4 = -64

Hope this helps....

To evaluate the expression you described, which is the cube root of -64, you need to find the number that, when raised to the power of 3, gives you -64. Here's how to do it step by step:

1. Identify that the expression involves the cube root, which is indicated by having an index of 3.
2. The radicand, which is the number under the radical sign, is -64.
3. Find the cube root of the absolute value of the radicand: ∛|-64| = ∛64.
4. Since the cube of a positive number gives a positive result, you need to determine the sign of the answer. In this case, it is negative because the original expression has a "-" sign before the radical.
5. Calculate the cube root of 64: ∛64 = 4.
6. The answer is -4 because the overall expression has a negative sign: -4.

To verify the solution, you can do a check. Multiply -4 by itself three times: (-4) × (-4) × (-4) = 16 × (-4) = -64, which validates the solution.

Please note that if you are using a calculator, you can directly input the cube root by raising the radicand to the power of (1/3) or using the cube root function (∛).