concentric circles with diameters 4 cm and 6cm

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C1:C2 = 4:6

A1:A2 = 16:36

To understand concentric circles with diameters of 4 cm and 6 cm, we need to first define what concentric circles are. Concentric circles are circles that share the same center point but have different radii, which is half the length of the diameter.

Now, let's find some specific details regarding the circles you mentioned:

Circle with a diameter of 4 cm:
- Radius: Since the radius is half the length of the diameter, the radius of this circle would be 4 cm divided by 2, which equals 2 cm.

Circle with a diameter of 6 cm:
- Radius: Similarly, the radius of this circle would be 6 cm divided by 2, resulting in a radius of 3 cm.

To visualize these concentric circles, you can draw two circles with the same center point—one with a radius of 2 cm and the other with a radius of 3 cm. Remember that the diameter is twice the length of the radius, and both circles share the same center point.