Classify each graph as approximately symmetric, skewed left, or skewed right.



Skewed Left

Skewed Right
plz help

where are all the answers


Are there supposed to be images of graphs here?

Maybe the fourth one on the left?

Oh, it is gone.


Sure, I'm happy to help! Could you please provide me with a description or a link to the graphs you'd like me to classify?

To classify a graph as approximately symmetric, skewed left, or skewed right, you need to analyze the shape of the graph.

1. Approximately symmetric:
A graph is approximately symmetric if it is relatively equal on both sides when folded along a vertical line passing through the center. In other words, the left and right sides mirror each other. If you see that the graph is evenly distributed on both sides, it can be classified as approximately symmetric.

2. Skewed left:
A graph is skewed left if the tail of the graph extends towards the left side. This means that the values on the left side of the graph are stretched out or have a longer and thinner tail, while the right side is shorter and less spread out.

3. Skewed right:
A graph is skewed right if the tail of the graph extends towards the right side. This means that the values on the right side of the graph are stretched out or have a longer and thinner tail, while the left side is shorter and less spread out.

To classify a specific graph, you need to visually examine its shape and determine if it aligns with any of the descriptions above.