Camping is an activity that many families enjoy together. Many campsites offer equipment rentals. The table

shows the costs for renting kayaks and bicycles. The deposit is paid once to reserve a kayak or bike for any
number of days.
deposit- cost per day
bicycle 3.00- 5.50
kayak 6.00-- 5.00

When is it less expensive to rent a bicycle? A kayak? Explain.
I need help on this question please

very short time, 3 for bike

very short time 6 for kayak
where are they the same?
3 + 5.5 d = 6 + 5.0 d
.5 d = 3
d = 6

But there was a question that already talks about that question its right here the other question is part d or are they the same??

c) After how many days will the cost of renting a kayak or a bicycle be the same?

or is it cost??

the cost is 3 + 5.5 * 6

which better be the same as
6 * 5*6
which is around 33 dollars.

I mean 6 + 5*6

or, consider that you save $0.50/day renting a kayak.

So, in 6 days, you will have saved the extra $3.00 in deposit.

To determine when it is less expensive to rent a bicycle or a kayak, we need to compare the total cost for each option.

Let's start with the bicycle. According to the table, the deposit for a bicycle is $3.00, and the cost per day is $5.50. Assuming we rent the bicycle for 'x' number of days, the total cost (Tc) can be calculated as:

Tc = deposit + (cost per day * number of days)

Tc = $3.00 + ($5.50 * x)

Next, let's consider the kayak. The deposit for a kayak is $6.00, and the cost per day is $5.00. Following the same calculation:

Tc = $6.00 + ($5.00 * x)

Now we need to find out when it is less expensive to rent a bicycle compared to a kayak. To do this, we can set up an inequality:

Tc(bicycle) < Tc(kayak)

$3.00 + ($5.50 * x) < $6.00 + ($5.00 * x)

Simplifying the inequality by distributing:

$3.00 + $5.50x < $6.00 + $5.00x

Combine like terms:

$5.50x - $5.00x < $6.00 - $3.00

$0.50x < $3.00

Divide both sides by $0.50 to isolate x:

x < $3.00 / $0.50

x < 6

Therefore, for any value of x that is less than 6, renting a bicycle will be less expensive. For example, if you plan to rent the equipment for 5 days or less, it will be cheaper to rent a bicycle. If you plan to rent it for more than 5 days, a kayak will be a more cost-effective option.

In summary, it is less expensive to rent a bicycle when the rental period is less than 6 days, and it is less expensive to rent a kayak when the rental period is 6 days or longer.