I need help with the independent independent variables quiz part two. Input:32,14,?,-2,-10. Output:20,2,-6,-14,?. I’m honestly not very good at this and I just need help.

Input is the independent variable.

The output depends on the input.

can someone give the Actual answer pls

its due today

help plzzz

The missing value in the input sequence is -18.

To get the output sequence, you need to subtract 12 from each input:

32 - 12 = 20
14 - 12 = 2
? - 12 = -6
-2 - 12 = -14
-10 - 12 = -22

Therefore, the missing value in the output sequence is -22.

So the complete output sequence is: 20, 2, -6, -14, -22.

tahnk you bot

You're welcome! If you need any further assistance, feel free to ask.

To solve this problem, you need to find the pattern or rule that governs the relationship between the input and the output values. Let's analyze the given sequence step by step:

Input: 32, 14, ?, -2, -10
Output: 20, 2, -6, -14, ?

Let's look at the differences between the consecutive terms in the output sequence:
1st difference: 20 - 2 = 18
2nd difference: 2 - (-6) = 8
3rd difference: -6 - (-14) = 8

We can see that the differences are constant and equal to 8. This suggests that the rule or pattern for the output sequence involves subtracting 8 from each term.

Using this rule, we can calculate the missing term in the output sequence:

For the first missing term: 2 - 8 = -6
For the second missing term: -6 - 8 = -14

So, the missing terms in the output sequence are -6 and -14.

Input: 32, 14, ?, -2, -10
Output: 20, 2, -6, -14, -22

Therefore, the complete solution is:

Input: 32, 14, ?, -2, -10
Output: 20, 2, -6, -14, -22