ten times the sum of a number and 25 is at least 18


Solve for x now

To solve this problem step-by-step, we can start by setting up the equation.

Let's say the number is represented by "x".

The sum of the number and 25 is x + 25.

To express "ten times the sum," we multiply the sum by 10: 10(x + 25).

The equation, "ten times the sum of a number and 25 is at least 18," can be written as:

10(x + 25) ≥ 18

Now let's solve for x step-by-step:

1. Distribute the 10 to both terms inside the parentheses:
10x + 250 ≥ 18

2. Subtract 250 from both sides to isolate the variable term:
10x ≥ 18 - 250
10x ≥ -232

3. Divide both sides of the inequality by 10 to solve for x:
x ≥ -232/10

Simplifying the expression, we get:
x ≥ -23.2

Therefore, the number (x) must be greater than or equal to -23.2 in order for "ten times the sum of a number and 25" to be at least 18.

To solve this problem, let's break it down into steps:

Step 1: Understand the problem.
The problem states that "ten times the sum of a number and 25 is at least 18." Let's call the unknown number "x."

Step 2: Translate the problem into an equation.
The sum of a number (x) and 25 can be expressed as (x + 25). Multiplying this sum by ten will give us the equation: 10(x + 25) ≥ 18.

Step 3: Solve the equation.
To solve the equation, we need to simplify and isolate the variable (x).

10(x + 25) ≥ 18

Start by distributing 10 to both terms inside the parentheses:

10x + 250 ≥ 18

Next, subtract 250 from both sides of the equation:

10x ≥ 18 - 250
10x ≥ -232

Finally, divide both sides of the equation by 10:

x ≥ -232/10
x ≥ -23.2

So, the number x must be greater than or equal to -23.2 in order for "ten times the sum of a number and 25" to be at least 18.