A two-digit locker combination is made up of non-zero digits and no digit is repeated in any combination.

Event A = the first digit is 4
Event B = the second digit is odd
If a combination is chosen at random with each possible locker combination being equally likely, what is P(A and B) expressed in simplest form?


To find the probability of Event A (the first digit is 4) and Event B (the second digit is odd), we need to consider the number of possible combinations that satisfy both events out of the total number of possible combinations.

Event A: The first digit is 4. Since only non-zero digits can be used, there are 9 choices for the first digit (1-9).

Event B: The second digit is odd. Since no digit can be repeated, there are 5 choices for the second digit (1, 3, 5, 7, 9).

To find the probability of both events occurring, we multiply the probabilities of each event happening:

P(A and B) = P(A) * P(B)

P(A) = 1/9 (probability of a 4 in the first digit)
P(B) = 5/9 (probability of an odd digit in the second digit)

P(A and B) = (1/9) * (5/9) = 5/81

Therefore, the correct answer is option C: P(A and B) = 5/81.

P(A) = 1/10

P(B) = P(A)*4/9 + (1-P(A))*5/9
so, what do you think?