Write the formula for absolute value function if its graph has the vertex at point ( 1/3 ,−3) and passes through the point (1,1).

Sorry, that is incorrect

It is all right except that there is no squaring
Anwer: y=6|x-1/3|-3

bro just tell us the answer


To find the formula for the absolute value function given the vertex and a point on the graph, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Recognize that the absolute value function can be represented by two linear equations since it changes direction at the vertex.

Step 2: Determine the equation for the segment of the absolute value function to the left of the vertex using the point-slope form.

The equation for the left segment of the absolute value function is:

y = m₁x + b₁

where m₁ is the slope and b₁ is the y-intercept.

Step 3: To find the slope (m₁), we can use the formula:

m₁ = (y₂ - y₁) / (x₂ - x₁)

where (x₁, y₁) is the vertex (1/3, -3) and (x₂, y₂) is the given point (1, 1).

m₁ = (1 - (-3)) / (1 - 1/3)
= 4 / (3/3 - 1/3)
= 4 / (2/3)
= 6

Step 4: Substitute the slope value into the equation:

y = 6x + b₁

Step 5: Calculate the y-intercept (b₁) by substituting the coordinates of the given point (1, 1) into the equation:

1 = 6(1) + b₁
1 = 6 + b₁
b₁ = 1 - 6
b₁ = -5

Step 6: Substitute the y-intercept (b₁) value into the equation:

y = 6x - 5

Step 7: The equation for the segment to the right of the vertex is a reflection of the left segment, so it will have the same slope but a different y-intercept.

The equation for the right segment of the absolute value function is:

y = 6x + b₂

where b₂ is the y-intercept for the right segment.

Step 8: Since the vertex is the lowest point on the graph, the right segment opens upwards. Therefore, the y-intercept for the right segment will be the same as the left segment, but positive:

b₂ = -(-5) = 5

Step 9: Substitute the values into the equation:

y = 6x + 5

Step 10: Combine the equations for both segments:

| x | = {
6x - 5 if x ≤ 1/3,
6x + 5 if x > 1/3

So, the formula for the absolute value function with a vertex at (1/3, -3) and passing through (1, 1) is:

| x | = {
6x - 5 if x ≤ 1/3,
6x + 5 if x > 1/3


y = a(x -1/3) - 3

Now use the point to find a

it would be "y=a(x-1/3)^2-3"

then 1=a(1-1/3)^2-3
then 4=4/9a
then a=9
therefore y=9|x-1/3|^2-3