An experiment consists of spinning a spinner. Use the results in the table to find the experimental probablity that the spinner does not land on green.

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in any case, count the total spins = t

count those that landed on green = g
P(green) = g/t
P(not green) = 1 - g/t

In experiment of spinning a spinner. The probability of spinning 7 ; p(7) is:

To find the experimental probability that the spinner does not land on green, we need to count the number of times the spinner did not land on green and divide it by the total number of spins.

Looking at the table of results, we can see the number of times the spinner did not land on green is 35 (adding up the numbers in the "Not Green" column). The total number of spins is the sum of all the numbers in the table, which is 40 in this case (adding up all the numbers in the table).

Therefore, the experimental probability that the spinner does not land on green is 35/40, which simplifies to 7/8.

To find this probability, you can count the outcomes manually or use the provided table for reference.