This example of sedimentary rock is formed when rock fragments, minerals, and the remains of plants and animals are deposited as sediments and are then

A) chemically weathered by water.
B) compacted and cemented together.
C) recrystalized under the weight of the layers.
D) melted due to increased temperature and pressure.

B) compacted and cemented together.

The correct answer is B) compacted and cemented together.

Sedimentary rocks, such as the one described in the question, are formed from the accumulation and lithification of sediment particles. The process starts with the weathering and erosion of existing rocks, resulting in the creation of small rock fragments, minerals, and organic materials. These sediments are then transported by water, wind, or ice and eventually deposited in basins or on the Earth's surface.

Over time, the weight of the overlying layers of sediment, along with the pressure from the Earth's crust, compacts the sediments. This compaction reduces the pore space between the grains, causing them to become more tightly packed. Additionally, as water percolates through the sediment, it carries minerals in solution. These minerals can act as a cementing agent, binding the sediments together and turning them into a solid rock.

So, option B) compacted and cemented together best describes the process of formation for sedimentary rocks.