A cube of ice is dropped carefully into cylinder of liquid, and the following observations are made ;

1. The cube floats about half-way down the cylinder.
2. After 30 secs the cube has melted a little but floats in the same position.
3. After 50 secs the cube has nearky melted and is floating higher.
4. Afetr 2 mins ice is floating on surface of liquid in the cylinder.

On the basis of this information, which of the following statements is correct?
A. The cube becomes more dense from situations 2 to 3 to 4.
B. The liquid in the cylinder was probably water.
C. The liquid in the cylinder becomes more dense as the cube melts.
D. The liquid in the cylinder must be slightly less dense than ice cube.

Pls explain methodology

And also why the other answers are wrong

I think instead of me providing all those comments, it would be better for you to analyze it yourself. If the relative position of the ice in the liquid rises as it melts, the liquid is becoming more more dense. Why?

Pls help, at least give me the right answer

To determine the correct statement, let's analyze the given observations.

Observation 1: The cube floats about halfway down the cylinder.
This is an indication that the density of the ice cube is lower than the density of the liquid in the cylinder. Since the cube is partially submerged, it means that the upward buoyant force exerted by the liquid is equal to the downward force due to gravity on the cube, resulting in a balance.

Observation 2: After 30 secs, the cube has melted a little but floats in the same position.
The fact that the cube remains in the same position after melting a little suggests that the density of the remaining ice is still lower than the density of the liquid. This is because if the ice cube density increased and approached the density of the liquid, it would sink further down the cylinder.

Observation 3: After 50 secs, the cube has nearly melted and is floating higher.
As the ice cube further melts, its density decreases. This causes it to displace more liquid, resulting in an increase in the buoyant force acting on the cube. Consequently, the cube floats higher.

Observation 4: After 2 mins, the ice is floating on the surface of the liquid in the cylinder.
At this point, the ice cube has essentially melted completely, and its density has become very close to the density of the liquid. Since the density of the liquid is slightly less than the density of the ice cube, it now floats on the liquid's surface.

Based on these observations, we can now evaluate the given statements.

A. The cube becomes more dense from situations 2 to 3 to 4.
This statement is incorrect. The cube's density decreases as it melts, not increases. Observations 3 and 4 indicate that the cube becomes less dense.

B. The liquid in the cylinder was probably water.
There is no specific information provided in the given observations that can confirm the type of liquid in the cylinder. Therefore, we cannot determine whether the liquid is water or not. This statement is inconclusive.

C. The liquid in the cylinder becomes more dense as the cube melts.
This statement is incorrect. As the cube melts, its density decreases, and it displaces more liquid, causing the liquid level to rise in the cylinder. Therefore, the density of the liquid in the cylinder can be considered slightly less than the density of the ice cube.

D. The liquid in the cylinder must be slightly less dense than the ice cube.
This statement is correct based on the explanation provided earlier. Since the ice cube displaces liquid and floats partially submerged, it indicates that the density of the liquid is less than the density of the ice cube. Therefore, the liquid in the cylinder must be slightly less dense than the ice cube.

Therefore, the correct statement is D. The liquid in the cylinder must be slightly less dense than the ice cube.