What is life

Everything you do and the meaning of humans! Ha! Short and simple!

I assume that you want the characteristics that define life. I searched Google under the key words "life characteristics" to get these possible sources:


I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

Thanks! Sorry for not responding sooner. I was checking out all the sites....

Tons of info, lots of help!

Thanks again

Does anyone know what abiotic factors affect a pond habitat? I really need to know this right now!!

Abiotic factors are non-living components in an ecosystem that can affect the habitat of a pond. To find the specific abiotic factors that affect a pond habitat, you can try using a search engine like Google and entering the keywords "abiotic factors pond habitat". This will provide you with various sources and explanations of the abiotic factors that influence a pond ecosystem. Some potential search results might include scientific articles, educational websites, or online textbooks that discuss the topic in detail. Make sure to evaluate the sources you find and choose those that come from reputable scientific or educational institutions.