list some important ideas that Walk Two Moons include. Why did you choose those ideas?

I would say some important ideas are the characters maybe? I am very confused. Any advice or help on this? It would be much appreciated! :-)

Characters are not ideas. Authors use characters to convey ideas.

Think about the plot of this book.
1) Concentrate on the main character for a moment. Sal doesn't like having to move away from Kentucky. She is unhappy in several ways. [List those ways in which she's unhappy at the beginning; all have resolutions by the end of the book.]
2) What does Sal learn about her mother at the end of the book? Once you realize that, how does your understanding of the rest of the book improve?
3. Concentrate on the grandparents, now. How does the two-part story in this part of the plot work, do you think? Smoothly? Jerking you back and forth from past to present to past … too fast/too much?
4) When do you understand why Sal's grandparents are extra-important to her? What makes that happen, do you think?

You're welcome.

This happens to be one of the few YA books I have read. Too many times here on Jiskha, students ask about books or stories I haven't read. Then there's not much I can do except refer them to Sparknotes or Shmoop or ??


Thank you you are truly a very nice person!

This helped a lot!

Wow this does actually help... Finally a teacher helps instead of being rude. Ty Writetecher

Certainly! "Walk Two Moons" is a novel by Sharon Creech that explores various themes and ideas. One of the important ideas in the novel is the notion of identity and self-discovery. Through the main character Salamanca's journey, readers witness her search for her own identity and understanding of who she truly is. This theme prompts readers to reflect on their own sense of self and question the complexities of human identity.

Another significant idea in the book is the power of storytelling. Salamanca tells the story of her friend, Phoebe, as a way to cope with her own emotional struggles. Through storytelling, the characters in the book learn to process their emotions, share their experiences, and make sense of the world around them. This emphasizes the importance of storytelling and how it can serve as a therapeutic tool for both the storyteller and the listener.

Lastly, "Walk Two Moons" also explores the concept of empathy and understanding. As the characters in the novel navigate their own personal challenges, they learn to empathize with one another and recognize the importance of compassion and understanding. This idea encourages readers to cultivate empathy in their own lives and to see the world from others' perspectives.

Now, as for why these ideas were chosen, it's important to note that the selection of important ideas in a novel is subjective and can vary from person to person. However, these ideas were chosen because they are recurring themes in "Walk Two Moons" and play a significant role in shaping the plot and character development. They also resonate with readers as they address universal human experiences like identity, storytelling, and empathy.

If you are confused about any aspect of the novel or need further assistance, I recommend rereading important passages or discussing the book with others. Engaging in discussions, joining a book club, or even seeking online resources, such as literary analysis or study guides, can provide valuable insights and help clarify any confusion you may have.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any more questions or need further assistance.