Simplify the product using the distributive property.

(3p + 2)(5p - 1)

simplify the product
(2y - 5) (3y + 1)
can someone help point me in the right direction, with this COVID-19 going around i havent had much time for school, and now it started back up and i forgot how to do these?

You got to FOil

So the answer is 15p^2+7p-2

No worries, I'm here to help! Let's start with the first expression:

(3p + 2)(5p - 1)

To simplify using the distributive property, we need to multiply each term in the first expression (3p + 2) by each term in the second expression (5p - 1).

First, we multiply 3p by both terms in the second expression:

3p * 5p = 15p^2
3p * -1 = -3p

Next, we multiply 2 by both terms in the second expression:

2 * 5p = 10p
2 * -1 = -2

Now, we group the like terms together:

(15p^2 - 3p) + (10p - 2)

Finally, we combine the like terms:

15p^2 - 3p + 10p - 2

Simplifying further, we get:

15p^2 + 7p - 2

Now, let's move on to the second expression:

(2y - 5) (3y + 1)

Again, using the distributive property, we multiply each term in the first expression (2y - 5) by each term in the second expression (3y + 1).

First, we multiply 2y by both terms in the second expression:

2y * 3y = 6y^2
2y * 1 = 2y

Next, we multiply -5 by both terms in the second expression:

-5 * 3y = -15y
-5 * 1 = -5

Now, we group the like terms together:

(6y^2 + 2y) + (-15y - 5)

Finally, we combine the like terms:

6y^2 + 2y - 15y - 5

Simplifying further, we get:

6y^2 - 13y - 5

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Of course! I'm here to help. Let's go step by step.

To simplify the product (3p + 2)(5p - 1) using the distributive property, we need to multiply each term in the first bracket with every term in the second bracket and then simplify.

Let's start with the first term in the first bracket, which is 3p.

Distribute this term to both terms in the second bracket:
3p * 5p = 15p^2
3p * (-1) = -3p

Now, let's move on to the second term in the first bracket, which is 2.

Distribute this term to both terms in the second bracket:
2 * 5p = 10p
2 * (-1) = -2

Now, let's combine all the simplified terms:
(3p + 2)(5p - 1) simplifies to 15p^2 - 3p + 10p - 2

Combining like terms further, we have:
15p^2 + 7p - 2

Now, let's move on to the second question:

To simplify the product (2y - 5)(3y + 1) using the distributive property, follow the same steps as before.

Start with the first term in the first bracket, which is 2y.

Distribute this term to both terms in the second bracket:
2y * 3y = 6y^2
2y * 1 = 2y

Now, let's move on to the second term in the first bracket, which is -5.

Distribute this term to both terms in the second bracket:
-5 * 3y = -15y
-5 * 1 = -5

Combining all the simplified terms, we have:
(2y - 5)(3y + 1) simplifies to 6y^2 + 2y - 15y - 5

Combining like terms further, we have:
6y^2 - 13y - 5

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.

Of course, I can help you with that! Let's start by simplifying the product (3p + 2)(5p - 1) using the distributive property.

To apply the distributive property, we need to multiply each term in the first set of parentheses by each term in the second set of parentheses. Let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Multiply the first terms:
(3p) * (5p) = 15p^2

Step 2: Multiply the first terms with the second terms:
(3p) * (-1) = -3p

Step 3: Multiply the second terms with the first terms:
(2) * (5p) = 10p

Step 4: Multiply the second terms:
(2) * (-1) = -2

Now, let's combine the like terms to simplify the expression:

15p^2 - 3p + 10p - 2

Next, combine the middle terms (-3p + 10p) to get 7p:

15p^2 + 7p - 2

So, the simplified product is 15p^2 + 7p - 2.

Now, let's move on to simplifying the product (2y - 5)(3y + 1) using the distributive property.

Step 1: Multiply the first terms:
(2y) * (3y) = 6y^2

Step 2: Multiply the first terms with the second terms:
(2y) * (1) = 2y

Step 3: Multiply the second terms with the first terms:
(-5) * (3y) = -15y

Step 4: Multiply the second terms:
(-5) * (1) = -5

Now, let's combine the like terms to simplify the expression:

6y^2 + 2y - 15y - 5

Next, combine the middle terms (2y - 15y) to get -13y:

6y^2 - 13y - 5

So, the simplified product is 6y^2 - 13y - 5.

I hope this helps! If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.

(3p + 2)(5p - 1) = 3p(5p-1) + 2(5p-1)

= 16p^2 - 3p + 10p - 2
now just simplify, and do the other the same way.
If necessary, review the distributive property.