You compare prices of limousines for the spring dance.Company A charges a $250 fee plus $130 for each hour you use the limo.For a similar limo, Company B charges a $125 fee plus $155 for each hour.After how many hours of use will Company B cost more than Company A?

I think that this person wanted a complete answer rather than how to solve it.

When is

125 + 155h = 250 + 130h ?

solve for h

To find the number of hours after which Company B will cost more than Company A, we'll set up an equation and solve it.

Let's assume the number of hours used is represented by 'x'.

For Company A:
Total cost = $250 (fee) + $130 (cost per hour) * x (number of hours)
Total cost for Company A = $250 + $130x

For Company B:
Total cost = $125 (fee) + $155 (cost per hour) * x (number of hours)
Total cost for Company B = $125 + $155x

We want to find the value of 'x' when the total cost for Company B is greater than the total cost for Company A.

So, we can set up the following inequality:
$125 + $155x > $250 + $130x

To solve this inequality, let's isolate the 'x' variable.

$155x - $130x > $250 - $125
$25x > $125

Now, divide both sides of the inequality by $25 to solve for 'x'.

x > $125 / $25
x > 5

Therefore, after 5 hours of use, Company B will cost more than Company A.