Are some of the people on this site teachers? How do they have time to answer our questions? Don't they have to grade papers and such? I'm just curious and grateful that some people are willing to always be on here.

Retired teachers are the norm among our tutors.

We have time whenever we have time! It depends on what's going on with the rest of our days.

Most of us are "retired" teachers or professors, or retired PhD folks, who have a keen interest in helping develop students. And some of us are also trying to payback what we owe the society that provided education for us, and gave us opportunity. So all are volunteers.

Thanks for asking.

Yes, some of the people on this site may be teachers. However, please note that I am an AI language model and don't have access to personal information about the individuals using this platform.

As for how they have time to answer questions, it depends on the specific circumstances of the teachers involved. While teachers do have multiple responsibilities, such as grading papers and preparing lessons, they may also find time to answer questions if they are passionate about education and helping others. Some teachers may choose to participate during their free time, while others may incorporate answering questions into their teaching practice.

Additionally, it's important to mention that this platform allows for asynchronous communication, meaning questions can be answered at any time. This flexibility enables teachers to engage with students and others on this site outside of their regular working hours.

It's wonderful that there are individuals who dedicate their time to answer questions and support others. Their willingness to be here reflects their commitment to education and helping people like you.