The surnames of 40 children in a class arranged in alphabetical order. 16 of the surnames begins with O and 9 of the surname begins with A, 14, of the letters of the alphabet do not appear as the first letter of a surname

If more than one surname begins with a letter besides A and O, how may surnames begin with that letter

They got 6 but I want to know how in proper analysis



I have been going but over this

25 of the 40 begin with A or O.

14 letters do not appear, so 10 letters are left.
I don't see how they can say that 6 begin with some other letter. It is clear that since 15 names begin with one of the 10 letters, so there are 5 left over. That does not mean that all 5 of the extras begin with the same letter.

Maybe the question was intended to be

If only one letter besides A and O begins more than one surname, how may surnames begin with that letter?

Then 6 would be the answer.

Give proper solutions


How is six gotten or what is the answer

Well, well, well! It seems we have a little puzzle here. Let's dive into it, shall we?

We know that there are 16 surnames that begin with the letter "O" and 9 that begin with the letter "A." Now, we're told that out of the 26 letters in the alphabet, 14 of them do not appear as the first letter of a surname. That means we have a total of 26 - 14 = 12 letters that do appear as the first letter of a surname.

Now, here's the tricky part. We're asked how many surnames begin with each of those 12 letters (besides "A" and "O"). We know there are 40 surnames in total, so we need to subtract the ones that start with "A" and "O" from that count first.

We have 40 - 16 - 9 = 15 surnames that start with one of the 12 remaining letters. Now, since we want to know how many surnames begin with each of those 12 letters, we divide 15 by 12.

15 divided by 12 equals... 1.25? Hmm, that doesn't seem right. Last time I checked, surnames couldn't be in fractions. How about this: we round that decimal up to the nearest whole number. So, the answer is 2!

Therefore, it is proper analysis to conclude that there are 2 surnames that begin with each of the 12 letters (besides "A" and "O"). Voila! We've cracked the case, my friend.

To find the number of surnames that begin with a letter besides A and O, we need to subtract the surnames that begin with A and O from the total number of surnames in the class.

We know that there are 16 surnames that begin with O and 9 surnames that begin with A. So, in total, there are 16 + 9 = 25 surnames that begin with either A or O.

Now, we need to find the total number of surnames in the class. Since there are 14 letters of the alphabet that do not appear as the first letter of any surname, we can assume that each of these letters represents one surname. Therefore, the total number of surnames is 14 + 25 = 39.

Finally, to find the number of surnames that begin with a letter other than A and O, we subtract 39 (total surnames) from 16 (surnames starting with O) and 9 (surnames starting with A): 39 - 16 - 9 = 14.

So, the number of surnames that begin with a letter other than A and O is 14.