If 1 cubit ≈ 18 inches and 1 span ≈ 9 inches

The tallest person on official record was Robert Wadlow, who stood 8 ft, 11 in. What would Wadlow's height have been in cubits and spans? How does Wadlow's height compare to Goliath's? So basically Goliath's height is 9 ft 9 in. Please help ASAP and don't ignore me this time!!! :(

see your previous post.

And clearly, 8'11" < 9'9"

To convert Robert Wadlow's height from feet and inches to cubits and spans, we need to use the given conversion factors: 1 cubit ≈ 18 inches and 1 span ≈ 9 inches.

Wadlow's height is given as 8 feet and 11 inches. Let's convert the feet to inches before proceeding with the calculations:
8 feet = 8 * 12 inches = 96 inches.

Now, we can add the inches to get the total height in inches:
Total height = 96 inches + 11 inches = 107 inches.

To convert this height to cubits, we divide the total height by the length of 1 cubit (18 inches):
Cubits = 107 inches / 18 inches ≈ 5.9444 cubits.

To convert this height to spans, we divide the remaining inches by the length of 1 span (9 inches):
Spans = (107 inches % 18 inches) / 9 inches = 2 spans.

Therefore, Robert Wadlow's height would have been approximately 5.9444 cubits and 2 spans.

Now let's compare Wadlow's height to Goliath's. Goliath's height is given as 9 feet and 9 inches. Converting this height to inches, we have:
9 feet = 9 * 12 inches = 108 inches.

Adding the remaining inches, we get:
Total height = 108 inches + 9 inches = 117 inches.

To convert this height to cubits:
Cubits = 117 inches / 18 inches ≈ 6.5 cubits.

Therefore, Goliath's height is approximately 6.5 cubits. Comparing this with Wadlow's height of approximately 5.9444 cubits, we can conclude that Goliath was taller than Wadlow by approximately 0.5556 cubits.