how much money will a customer save if she buys 110L of absence at this gas station but with a 5 cent discount and no minimum quantity required???

110L * 5cents/L = 550 cents

Not quite sure what "absence" is at a gas station ...

oh yeah im so sorry autocorrect but thank you so much!!!

To calculate the amount of money the customer will save, we need to know two things:

1. The regular price of 1 liter of gasoline at the gas station.
2. The discount per liter, which in this case is 5 cents.

Once we have this information, we can multiply the discount per liter by the number of liters the customer is purchasing to find the total savings.

First, let's assume the regular price of 1 liter of gasoline is $X. Then, the discount per liter is 5 cents, which can also be written as $0.05.

To find the total savings, we need to multiply the discount per liter by the number of liters purchased:

Savings = Discount per liter * Number of liters

In this case, the customer is buying 110 liters of gasoline. Plugging these values into the equation, we get:

Savings = $0.05 * 110 liters

To find the total savings in dollars, we can calculate this:

Savings = $5.50

Therefore, the customer will save $5.50 if she buys 110 liters of gasoline with a 5 cent discount and no minimum quantity required.