1 one of the ways humans can preserve biodiversity is a habitat destruction b habitat preservation c habitat fragmentation d poaching

One of the ways humans can preserve biodiversity is by choosing habitat preservation. Habitat preservation refers to setting aside and protecting natural areas, such as forests, wetlands, and marine environments, to maintain the diverse array of plant and animal species that inhabit them.

To understand why habitat preservation is a suitable option for preserving biodiversity, let's explore the other options you mentioned:

a) Habitat destruction: This involves the removal or alteration of natural habitats, typically for activities such as urban development or agriculture. Habitat destruction can lead to the loss of species and can negatively impact ecosystems.

b) Habitat preservation: This option focuses on conserving natural habitats and maintaining their integrity. By preserving intact habitats, we provide a safe haven for species to thrive, maintain ecological processes, and sustain biodiversity.

c) Habitat fragmentation: This occurs when natural habitats are divided into smaller, isolated fragments due to human activities like road construction or deforestation. Fragmentation can disrupt ecological processes, impact species migration, and reduce gene flow, leading to decreased biodiversity.

d) Poaching: Poaching involves the illegal hunting or capturing of wildlife. It poses a significant threat to biodiversity, especially for endangered species. While efforts to combat poaching are essential, it is not a proactive measure to preserve biodiversity.

In conclusion, habitat preservation is a proactive and effective approach to preserving biodiversity. By protecting natural areas, we safeguard ecosystems and provide habitats for diverse flora and fauna to thrive.