Loan Amount: $13,000

Method of payment: discount basis
Amount of Interest: $625
Term of loan: 1 year

Effective Rate of Interest (to the nearest tenth): _____ %

The correct answer is 4.8 :)

625 = x (13,000)

x = 0.048076
100 x = percent = 4.8% etc

To calculate the Effective Rate of Interest (to the nearest tenth), you need to know the loan amount, the amount of interest, and the term of the loan.

Loan Amount: $13,000
Amount of Interest: $625
Term of Loan: 1 year

To find the effective rate of interest, we can use the following formula:

Effective Rate of Interest = (Interest / Loan Amount) * (365 / Term of Loan)

Substituting the given values into the formula:

Effective Rate of Interest = ($625 / $13,000) * (365 / 1)


Effective Rate of Interest = (0.048076923) * (365)

Effective Rate of Interest ≈ 17.5%

Therefore, the Effective Rate of Interest (to the nearest tenth) for this loan is approximately 17.5%.

To calculate the effective rate of interest on a loan, we need to use the formula:

Effective Rate of Interest = (Interest / Loan Amount) * (365 / Term of Loan) * 100

In this case, we are given the loan amount of $13,000, the amount of interest $625, and the term of the loan is 1 year. Let's substitute the values into the formula to calculate the effective rate of interest.

Effective Rate of Interest = (625 / 13000) * (365 / 1) * 100

First, divide $625 by $13,000: 625 / 13,000 = 0.04807692308

Next, multiply by 365: 0.04807692308 * 365 = 17.5320512882

Finally, multiply by 100 to get the percentage: 17.5320512882 * 100 = 1753.20512882

Rounded to the nearest tenth, the effective rate of interest is approximately 1753.2%.