on the chart, which two philosophies talk about improving society

which two philosophies talk about improving society

Founder Main Ideas Influence on Modern Life Confucianism Confucj US People should put the needs of their family and communityfirst. Many Chinese today accept his Idea of duty to family. His ideas helped open up government jobs to people with talent. Daoism Laozi People should give up worldly desires in favor of nature and the Dao. Daoism teaches the importance of nature and encourages people to treat nature with respect and reverence. Legalism Hanfeiz[ Society needs a system of harsh laws and strict punishment. Legalists developed laws that became an important part of Chinese hlstory.

To determine which two philosophies in a chart are about improving society, you would need to analyze the information presented in the chart. Here's a step-by-step process to help you find the answer:

1. Start by looking at the chart and identifying the philosophies or ideologies listed. These could be labeled or represented by symbols or abbreviations.

2. Read the description or definition of each philosophy to understand its core principles and goals. This will help you determine if they are focused on improving society.

3. Look for key indicators or keywords within the descriptions that suggest a philosophy's aim to improve society. This could include words like "progress," "reform," "equality," or "social justice."

4. Compare the descriptions of all the philosophies in the chart and identify those that emphasize societal improvement as a central theme.

5. Once you have identified the philosophies that prioritize the betterment of society, choose the two that most prominently and consistently address this goal.

By following these steps, you should be able to locate the two philosophies on the chart that are specifically about improving society.

What chart?