I did an experiment shining light on a piece of paper and tilting it to demonstrate how Earth tilts away from the Sun causing the seasons to change. The question asked what the independent and dependent variable is. I looked up what they mean I'm still confused.

dependent variable: season on the N hemisphere

independent variable: angle of earth's rotation measured to line from sun to Earth.

Now as a point of reference: Earth does not tilt away from the Sun exactly. Remember the Southern Hemisphere is part of the Earth, and when the Northern Hemisphere tilts away, the Southern Hemisphere tilts toward.

Thank you so much. This was very helpful

Understanding independent and dependent variables can be confusing, but I'll explain them to you. In any experiment, the independent variable is the factor that you deliberately manipulate or change. It's the variable that you have control over and intentionally alter to observe its effect on the other variables. On the other hand, the dependent variable is the outcome or result that you measure or observe as a response to the changes in the independent variable.

In the context of your experiment, shining light on a piece of paper and tilting it to demonstrate how Earth tilts away from the Sun causing the seasons, let's identify the independent and dependent variables.

The independent variable is the factor that you deliberately manipulated, which in this case is tilting the paper. By intentionally changing the angle of the paper, you are trying to mimic the effect of the Earth tilting away from the Sun during different seasons.

The dependent variable, in this case, is the change in the amount of light that falls on the paper when you tilt it. As you tilt the paper, the amount of light hitting the surface changes. The dependent variable is a response to the manipulation of the independent variable.

To summarize: the independent variable is the factor you intentionally change (tilting the paper), and the dependent variable is the outcome you observe as a result of the change in the independent variable (change in the amount of light on the paper).

It's important to understand the distinction between these two variables in order to design and interpret experiments accurately.