Which star classifies as an M2 and is 500 times larger than the sun?

To determine the star that classifies as an M2 and is 500 times larger than the sun, you can use the stellar classification system and compare size information.

1. Stellar classification system: Stars are classified based on their spectral characteristics, including temperature, color, and composition. The system uses a combination of letters and numbers to represent different star types. The letters range from O (hottest) to M (coolest), and the numbers indicate the subcategories within each letter class.

2. Determining the size: The size of a star can be measured in terms of its radius. Since you mentioned the star is 500 times larger than the sun, we can compare their radii.

Combining both aspects, we are looking for an M-class star that is 500 times larger than the sun.

Keep in mind that the classification alone doesn't provide direct information about size, so we will need supplemental data. Therefore, let's search for M-class stars and compare their sizes to the sun.

One tool to assist in this search is a stellar database or astronomical database. Professional astronomers and researchers often use these databases to access detailed information about stars. As an example, the Simbad Astronomical Database is a widely used tool for such purposes.

By accessing the Simbad Astronomical Database (http://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/simbad/), you can perform a search for M-class stars and examine their properties, including their sizes.

After analyzing the data, you will likely find several M-class stars that are larger than the sun, but it is crucial to refer to reliable sources and conduct further research to verify the specific star that matches your criteria.