write 0.3737373737 (repeating decimal) as a ratio of two relatively prime integers

= 37/99

To write the repeating decimal 0.3737373737 as a ratio of two relatively prime integers, we can use a simple algebraic approach.

Let's assign a variable to the repeating decimal, such as x. Hence, we have:

x = 0.373737...

Multiplying both sides of this equation by 100 (to shift the decimal point two places to the right), we get:

100x = 37.373737...

Now, let's subtract the original equation from the second equation:

100x - x = 37.373737... - 0.373737...

This simplifies to:

99x = 37

Dividing both sides of the equation by 99, we have:

x = 37 / 99

Therefore, the repeating decimal 0.373737... can be written as the ratio 37/99. Since 37 and 99 do not share any common factors other than 1, they are relatively prime.

