Grayson bought a rectangular waste basket that is 1 1/2 feet long,3/4 foot wide, and 2 feet high. Find the volume of the basket.

volume means base times width times hight. that means you would multiply everything: 1 1/2 times 3/4 times 2. ur welcome!


To find the volume of the waste basket, we need to multiply its length, width, and height.

Given information:
Length = 1 1/2 feet
Width = 3/4 foot
Height = 2 feet

Step 1: Convert the mixed number to a fraction.
1 1/2 feet = 3/2 feet

Step 2: Multiply the length, width, and height.
Volume = (3/2 feet) * (3/4 foot) * (2 feet)

Step 3: Simplify the calculation.
Volume = (3/2) * (3/4) * 2 feet^3
Volume = (9/8) * 2 feet^3
Volume = 18/8 feet^3
Volume = 9/4 feet^3

Therefore, the volume of the waste basket is 9/4 (or 2 1/4) cubic feet.