simplify the expresion



Well, let's simplify this expression!

First, we can distribute the -x to each term inside the parentheses:

-1 * 6x = -6x
-1 * -7 = 7

So the simplified expression is -6x + 7! It's as simple as that!

To simplify the expression -x(6x-7), we can use the distributive property.

Multiplying -x by each term inside the parentheses:

-1 * x = -x
-1 * (6x) = -6x
-1 * (-7) = 7

This gives us:

- x(6x-7) = -x * 6x - x * (-7) = -6x^2 + 7x

Therefore, the simplified expression is -6x^2 + 7x.

To simplify the expression -x(6x-7), we can distribute the -x to both terms inside the parentheses using the distributive property of multiplication:

-x(6x-7) = -6x^2 + 7x

So, the simplified expression is -6x^2 + 7x.