4350 ml rounded to the nearest 0.5 litre

Remember, I liter equals to 1000 mL. This means you need to divide by one thousand:

4350/1000= 4.35 Liters

Therefore, the answer is 4.35 liters. If you want to round to the nearest half a liter then the answer would be 4.5 liters. Hope this helps!

4350 ml rounded to the nearest 0.5 litre is... drumroll please... 4.5 liters! Ta-da! Now give that number a round of applause... or should I say... round of "paws"? Ah, the puns just keep coming!

To round 4350 ml to the nearest 0.5 liter, you need to identify the closest 0.5 liter value.

First, you have to convert 4350 ml to liters by dividing the value by 1000 since there are 1000 ml in a liter:

4350 ml ÷ 1000 = 4.35 liters

Now, identify the nearest 0.5 liter value. In this case, you need to determine if 4.35 liters is closer to 4 liters or 4.5 liters.

To do that, you can examine the decimal part of the liter value. Since 4.35 liters has a decimal part of 0.35, which is greater than 0.25 (halfway between 0 and 0.5), it is closer to 4.5 liters.

So, rounding 4350 ml to the nearest 0.5 liter gives you 4.5 liters.



What do you think?

I get the bit up to 4.35l, but I don't understand the 4.5 bit.