The United States is the largest exporter of wheat. Canada is the second-largest. Today there are fewer Canadian farms. How is it possible that the number of farms has decreased but the Prairie Provinces continue to produce most of Canada’s wheat?

Does anyone know the answer? Thanks!

Just a guess but in the US each farm got a lot bigger and also with modern fertilizers, pesticides etc each acre grows more.

Yes, I can help you understand the possible reason for this situation. The decrease in the number of Canadian farms while the Prairie Provinces continue to produce most of Canada's wheat can be attributed to several factors:

1. Consolidation of Farms: Over the years, the agricultural industry in Canada has experienced consolidation, where smaller farms are bought out or merged with larger operations. This leads to a decrease in the overall number of farms but the size and productivity of the remaining farms increase.

2. Technological Advancements: Advancements in agricultural technology, such as improved machinery, irrigation systems, and precision agriculture techniques, have allowed farmers to increase their productivity and output. This means that fewer farms are needed to produce the same or even larger quantities of wheat.

3. Efficiency and Economies of Scale: Larger farms can benefit from economies of scale, as they have the resources and capacity to invest in efficient production systems and take advantage of cost-saving measures. This allows them to produce wheat more competitively and with higher yields compared to smaller farms.

4. Shift in Farming Practices: Changes in farming practices, including a greater focus on specialized production, diversification into other crops, or transitioning to livestock farming, may have resulted in the decline of wheat-producing farms specifically. While the number of wheat farms decreases, the remaining farms in the Prairie Provinces continue to prioritize wheat production due to the region's favorable soil and climate conditions for growing high-quality wheat.

Overall, the decrease in the number of Canadian farms does not necessarily mean a decrease in wheat production. The remaining farms, particularly those in the Prairie Provinces, have adapted to changes in the agricultural industry, taking advantage of advancements in technology, economies of scale, and favorable conditions for wheat production to maintain and even increase their wheat output.