You can construct congruent triangles if you know which of the Following? A. The measure of two angles B. The measure of three angles C. The measure of two sides D. The measure of three sides.******

D is correct

Awesome!! Thanks so much!!

To construct congruent triangles, you need to know the measurement of three sides (option D).

When you have the lengths of three sides of a triangle, you can use the side-side-side (SSS) congruence criterion to construct congruent triangles. According to this criterion, if the lengths of the corresponding sides of two triangles are equal, then the triangles are congruent.

Here's how you can use the SSS criterion to construct congruent triangles:

1. Start by drawing a line segment to represent the first side of the triangle.
2. Use a ruler to measure the length of the second side, and draw a line segment with the same length adjacent to the first side.
3. Measure the length of the third side, and draw another line segment with the same length adjacent to the second side.
4. Connect the endpoints of the first and third sides to complete the triangle.

By constructing a triangle with three sides that have the same lengths as another triangle, you have formed congruent triangles.