Expand and Simplify (32x+12x^3) / 4 + 16x

(32x+12x^3) / (4 + 16x)

= 4x(8+3x^2) / 4(1+4x)
= x(8+3x^2)/(1+4x)
you massage it to something that pleases you

or ...

the way it was written:
(32x+12x^3) / 4 + 16x
= 8x + 3x^3 + 16x
= 3x^3 + 24x

To solve the expression (32x+12x^3) / 4 + 16x, we can simplify it step by step.

Step 1: Distribute the division symbol (/) to both terms inside the parentheses:
(32x/4 + 12x^3/4) + 16x

Step 2: Simplify each term separately:
32x divided by 4 is 8x.
12x^3 divided by 4 is 3x^3.

So the expression becomes:
8x + 3x^3 + 16x

Step 3: Combine like terms:
Combining the terms with the same variables:
(8x + 16x) + 3x^3

8x + 16x is equal to 24x, so the expression becomes:
24x + 3x^3

Therefore, the expanded and simplified form of (32x+12x^3) / 4 + 16x is 24x + 3x^3.