What were the provisions of the Treaty of Tordesillas?

(I found this on google) The Treaty of Tordesillas overrode those papal bulls and instead established a particular line for demarcating the lands and stated that Spain would have rights to all lands discovered to the west of the line and Portugal would have rights to all lands discovered to the east of the line.

Go to www.google.com and type that in. Press Enter and read lots.

Um but like care telling me the answer cuz yeah

I need help-

Me too, @that one kid-. Me too. πŸ’‰

The Treaty of Tordesillas, signed on June 7, 1494, was an agreement between the Kingdom of Spain and the Kingdom of Portugal. Its purpose was to divide the newly discovered lands outside of Europe between the two countries, in order to avoid conflicts over territorial claims.

The provisions of the Treaty of Tordesillas can be understood by following these steps:

1. Research the context: Knowing that the treaty was signed in 1494, it is important to understand the historical background leading up to this agreement. You can look into the Age of Discovery, Christopher Columbus's voyages, and the rivalry between Spain and Portugal for overseas territories.

2. Identify the purpose of the treaty: The primary aim of the treaty was to solve conflicts between Spain and Portugal regarding their claims on newly discovered lands in the Americas, which were not yet fully explored.

3. Determine the line of demarcation: The treaty established a line of demarcation, which was an imaginary north-south line drawn on a map. This line divided the newly discovered territories outside of Europe between Spain and Portugal.

4. Assign territories: To the west of the line, Spain gained the rights to explore and exploit these territories. This led to Spanish colonization in what is now known as Central and South America, including present-day Mexico, Peru, and parts of Brazil.

5. Assign territories: To the east of the line, Portugal was granted the rights to explore and colonize these lands. This included regions in present-day Brazil, Africa, and Asia, where Portuguese colonies were established.

6. Respect for existing claims: The treaty also aimed to respect existing claims made by Spain and Portugal. For instance, if either country had already established a settlement or claimed land beyond the line of demarcation, it was allowed to maintain control.

By following these steps, you can understand that the main provisions of the Treaty of Tordesillas were the establishment of a line of demarcation dividing the newly discovered lands between Spain and Portugal and recognizing their respective spheres of influence in the Americas, Africa, and Asia.

answer it yo self