Choose one sentence that states the author’s point of view about the South Pole. Then choose two pieces of text evidence that support the author’s point of view.

Author's Point of View

The South Pole was a dangerous place to explore.
The South Pole was an unnecessary place to explore.
Amundsen could have reached the South Pole faster if he did things differently.
Amundsen did not realize the risk he took in attempting to explore the South Pole. *********

Text Evidence

“Amundsen did not even tell the men on his own ship where they were going until the night before they left.” (I kind of this this one, not sure)
“The South Pole is a much more extreme environment than the North Pole.”******
“The average year-round temperature there is minus fifty-six degrees, . . .”*******
“The team members planted the Norwegian flag in the frozen ground to claim their victory over Scott.”

I need an answer to, I'm on a quiz (Scientific Viewpoints Day 5 Quiz)


Please help me,,,,,,,,, quick!

what's the answer?


what is the answer?

it is

You will find the answer if you read the article