Read the following quotation from Susan B Anthony written in a letter to governor John P St John. Write a paragraph that explains why Anthony Believed that all American citizens should have the right to vote. Do you agree with Anthony? Compose complete sentences that illustrate proper grammar and spelling. “I hoped to see you this morning- to talk of Kansas and United States citizenship. And the speediest method to make each and both of the guarantee of equality of rights of women.”

I need help setting up this short paragraph and what to write

Write a paragraph that explains

Sentence 1. Did Anthony believe all American citizens should have the right to vote?
Sentences 2 through 5. Why Anthony believed that all American citizens should have the right to vote.
Sentence 6. Do you agree with Anthony?

In this excerpt from a letter to Governor John P St John, Susan B Anthony expresses her desire to discuss the topics of Kansas and United States citizenship and how they relate to equality of rights for women. From this, it can be inferred that Anthony firmly believed in granting all American citizens, including women, the right to vote. She saw voting as a fundamental aspect of citizenship and a means to ensure the guarantee of equal rights for women. Anthony advocated for the speediest method to achieve this equality, perhaps implying that she felt a sense of urgency in achieving voting rights for women. Overall, Anthony's conviction underscores her belief that granting all American citizens the right to vote is essential in ensuring equal rights for everyone. Personally, I agree with Anthony's standpoint and believe that every citizen should have the right to vote, regardless of gender.

In this quote from a letter to governor John P St John, Susan B Anthony expresses her desire to discuss the topics of Kansas and United States citizenship, specifically focusing on the equal rights of women. From this statement, it can be inferred that Anthony believed that all American citizens, regardless of gender, should have the right to vote. This belief stems from her advocacy for women's suffrage and her dedication to achieving equality for all citizens. Anthony, along with other suffragettes, fought tirelessly for women's rights, arguing that being denied the right to vote undermined their status as equal citizens. The historical context of women's disenfranchisement during that time period further supports Anthony's view that voting rights should be extended to all American citizens, as it aligns with fundamental democratic principles of equality, representation, and participation. Personally, I agree with Susan B Anthony's belief that all American citizens should have the right to vote, as it promotes inclusivity, fairness, and the democratic values upon which our nation was built.