Mega Fitness charges $22 per month and a $40 sign up fee. If Kenneth has spent a total $370 so far, How many months has he been at Mega Fitness membership?

Write Equation
Solve the problem.
I think the equation is 40 + 22 then whatever that equals subtract by 370

22x + 40 = 370.

To solve this problem, you are on the right track with the equation 40 + 22 - x = 370, where x represents the number of months Kenneth has been at Mega Fitness. However, there is a slight modification needed in the equation.

First, let's break down the given information. Kenneth has paid a one-time sign-up fee of $40 and a monthly fee of $22. The total amount he has paid so far is $370.

To determine the number of months Kenneth has been a member, we need to subtract the one-time sign-up fee from the total payment and then divide by the monthly fee. So the correct equation is:

(370 - 40) / 22 = x

Simplifying the equation, we get:

330 / 22 = x

Now divide 330 by 22:

x = 15

Therefore, Kenneth has been a member of Mega Fitness for 15 months.