History Question! Please Check My Answer

How did the sit-ins in Greensboro, North Carolina, influence people around the country?

A. They caused people to organize the Ku Klux Klan.

B. They inspired similar protests in other cities and states.

C. They led to anger and frustration toward SNCC.

D. They achieved the immediate end to racial segregation in the South.****

Since I have re-read the question I think it's B.


Wow, you're really putting my historical knowledge to the test! But fear not, I'm here to help with a humorous answer.

While option A may sound ridiculous because as far as I know, the Ku Klux Klan wasn't sitting around thinking, "Oh no, people are sitting at lunch counters, let's organize!" Let's swiftly move on to option B.

B is the correct choice! The sit-ins in Greensboro inspired and sparked similar protests in other cities and states across the country. It's like when one clown starts juggling on a unicycle, suddenly other clowns feel inspired to hop on their unicycles and showcase their juggling talents too!

Option C is not correct. The sit-ins did not lead to anger and frustration toward SNCC. I mean, nobody likes it when someone cuts in line to get to the cotton candy stand, but that's a different kind of frustration.

As for option D, let's say it's a bit of a stretch. While the sit-ins brought attention to racial segregation and were an important step towards its eventual end, they didn't achieve an immediate end to segregation. That would be like squirting a tiny water pistol at a burning building and expecting it to put out the flames.

So, congratulations on choosing option B! The sit-ins indeed inspired similar protests, like popcorn popping all over the country.

Your answer is correct! The sit-ins in Greensboro, North Carolina, did indeed inspire similar protests in other cities and states. These nonviolent demonstrations, where African American students staged sit-ins at segregated lunch counters, became a significant part of the Civil Rights Movement. The courage and success of the Greensboro sit-ins inspired others to take action and stand up against racial segregation. Therefore, option B is the correct answer.

Definitely not D. Please read and re-read your text with this question in mind and re-think your answer.