If Porthos wants $25,000 after 8 years to make a down payment on a home, how much does he need to invest every quarter, into an account that pays 2% compounded quarterly?

What is the simplified numerator?





Can't figure out what those choices are , none of them make sense

i = .02/4 = .005
n = 4(8) = 32
Amount = 25000
payment ---- p

p( 1.005^32 - 1)/.005 = 25000
p(1.17304. - 1) = 125
p = $106.56

I see m(1.173)-1 , but the brackets would be in the wrong place

Thank you, how would i solve for the bottom portion?

numerator: m(1.173)-1

denominator: 0.005
answer: $107.42
hope this helps.

To calculate how much Porthos needs to invest every quarter, we can use the formula for compound interest:

Future Value = Present Value * (1 + interest rate / number of compounding periods) ^ (number of compounding periods * number of years)

In this case, Porthos wants to have $25,000 after 8 years, and the account pays 2% interest compounded quarterly.

First, we can rearrange the formula:

Present Value = Future Value / (1 + interest rate / number of compounding periods) ^ (number of compounding periods * number of years)

Now we can plug in the values:

Present Value = $25,000 / (1 + 0.02 / 4) ^ (4 * 8)

Simplifying the expression:

Present Value = $25,000 / (1.005) ^ (32)

Now, we can calculate the numerator:

m(431439) - 1 = (4 * 31 * 14 * 3 * 9) - 1 = 431439

Therefore, the simplified numerator is m(431439) - 1.