The _______________________ refutes universal principles of management by stating that a variety of factors, both internal and external to the firm, ma affect an organization’s performance.

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The contingency perspective would fit here. My experience it is the perspective of excuse makers, as I have always adhered to the systems experience (I have a degree in systems management).

The statement that refutes universal principles of management by acknowledging the impact of various internal and external factors on an organization's performance is known as the contingency theory.

Contingency theory suggests that there is no universal or one-size-fits-all approach to management. Instead, it argues that the effectiveness of management practices depends on the specific circumstances and contingencies faced by an organization.

To understand and explain the contingency theory, you can follow these steps:

1. Familiarize yourself with the basics: Start by understanding the concept of management principles and their traditional approach, which assumes that certain management principles apply universally to all organizations.

2. Recognize the limitations: Acknowledge that the traditional management approach may overlook important factors that can influence organizational performance, such as environmental conditions, organizational culture, technology, and individual differences.

3. Learn about contingency theory: Study the contingency theory, developed by researchers like Fred Fiedler and Joan Woodward. This theory asserts that the effectiveness of management practices is contingent upon various internal and external factors. It suggests that different situations require different management approaches.

4. Explore internal factors: Understand that internal factors, such as the organization's structure, leadership style, and employee capabilities, can have a significant impact on how management practices should be tailored to achieve optimal performance.

5. Consider external factors: Recognize that factors external to the organization, including market conditions, industry trends, and regulatory environment, can also influence the effectiveness of management approaches.

6. Apply the theory in practice: Analyze real-world examples where the contingency theory has been applied successfully. Look for cases where managers have adjusted their management practices to align with specific circumstances, resulting in improved performance.

By following these steps and gaining knowledge about the contingency theory, you will be able to explain how this theory refutes the notion of universal principles of management by emphasizing the importance of considering a variety of internal and external factors in managing organizations.