Dianne drew a triangle with coordinates (1,3)(3,2)(4,2) she drew. An image of the triangle with coordinates (-1,3)(-3,2)(-4,2) how did she make the image

All the y values are the same so each point on the left one is as high as the original one on the right.

Each x value of the new one is as far to the left of the y axis as the original one was to the right of the x axis

To create the image of the triangle with new coordinates, Dianne likely applied a transformation called a reflection. A reflection is a transformation that flips a figure over a line, called the line of reflection.

In this case, Dianne reflected the triangle with original coordinates (1,3), (3,2), and (4,2) over the y-axis (a vertical line passing through the origin). This resulted in the new coordinates (-1,3), (-3,2), and (-4,2).

To understand this process intuitively, imagine a mirror placed vertically along the y-axis. When the original triangle is reflected, each point "hits" the mirror and bounces back on the other side, maintaining the same distance from the mirror but changing the sign of the x-coordinate. This is why the x-coordinates in the new coordinates became negative.

To reflect a point across the y-axis, you can use the rule: (x, y) → (-x, y). By applying this rule to each coordinate of the original triangle, Dianne was able to create the image of the triangle.