Hi everyone, i just had an assignment and I was wondering if someone could check my answer to one of the questions. Thanks in advanced. :)

4. In the expression -9x - 2x^2 + 7, what is the coefficient of x?
-) -9
-) -2
-) 7
-) 9

I actually couldn't decide which one was the coefficient of this expression, but I was thinking either -9 or -2.

(This was explained in one of the tutors named Reiny.)
- "You asked for the coefficient of x, which is -9.
The coefficient of the x^2 term is -2"

I agree with this response, however I don't know whether or not Reiny was saying the coefficient of this expression is -9 or -2. If someone could explain this a little better for me it would really help. Thank you again. :)

- Alusia

a coefficient is the number in front of a variable (multiplying it)

... it is for a single term ... not an entire expression

I said at the time that -9 is the coefficient of x

-2 would be the coefficient of the x^2 term

Hi Alusia! I'd be happy to help clarify the concept of coefficients in an expression.

In the expression -9x - 2x^2 + 7, a coefficient is the numerical factor that multiplies a variable. So, for this expression, the coefficient of x is -9 because -9 is the number multiplying the variable x. The coefficient of x^2 is -2 since -2 is the number multiplying the variable x^2.

Therefore, the correct answer to the given question is:

-) -9

I hope this clarifies things for you. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!