If 465 cm cube of sulphur (I've) oxide can diffuse through porous partition in 30 seconds, how long will

a. An equal volume
b. 620 cm cube of hydrogen sulphide take to diffuse through the same partitio ( h = 1, s = 32 , 0 = 16)

You must mean SO2. I assume that is sulfur (iv) oxide.

a makes no sense. "an equal volume of what"
(rate1/rate2) = sqrt (mass 2/mass 2)
(465/30)/(620/sec) = sqrt(mass H2S/mass SO2)
Substitute the numbers and solve for seconds.
Post your work if you get stuck.

t2 =t1×sqrt m1÷sqrt m2

To calculate the time it takes for a gas to diffuse through a porous partition, we can use Graham's law of diffusion. Graham's law states that the rate of diffusion of a gas is inversely proportional to the square root of its molar mass.

Let's solve the problem step by step:

a. An equal volume of sulphur (IV) oxide:
First, let's find the molar mass of sulphur (IV) oxide (SO2):
- Atomic mass of Sulfur (S) = 32 g/mol
- Atomic mass of Oxygen (O) = 16 g/mol
Therefore, molar mass of SO2 = (32 + 2*16) = 64 g/mol

Now we can calculate the rate of diffusion of SO2:
Rate1 / Rate2 = √(Molar mass2 / Molar mass1)

Rate1 / 465 cm³ in 30 seconds = Rate2 / Volume2 in t seconds

Rate1 = 465 cm³ / 30 seconds

Now, let's calculate the rate2:
Rate2 = Rate1 * √(Molar mass1 / Molar mass2)

Rate2 = (465 cm³ / 30 seconds) * √(64 g/mol / 64 g/mol)

Since the molar mass is the same, the rate2 will also be equal to the rate1.

Therefore, an equal volume of sulphur (IV) oxide will also take 30 seconds to diffuse through the porous partition.

b. Hydrogen sulphide (H2S):
Let's find the molar mass of hydrogen sulphide (H2S):
- Atomic mass of Hydrogen (H) = 1 g/mol
- Atomic mass of Sulfur (S) = 32 g/mol
Therefore, molar mass of H2S = (2*1 + 32) = 34 g/mol

Now we can calculate the rate of diffusion of H2S:
Rate1 / Rate2 = √(Molar mass2 / Molar mass1)

Rate1 / 465 cm³ in 30 seconds = Rate2 / 620 cm³ in t seconds

Rate1 = 465 cm³ / 30 seconds (same value as before)

Now, let's calculate the rate2:
Rate2 = Rate1 * √(Molar mass1 / Molar mass2)

Rate2 = (465 cm³ / 30 seconds) * √(64 g/mol / 34 g/mol)

Simplifying the equation: Rate2 = (465 cm³ / 30 seconds) * √(64 / 34)

Now we can calculate the time (t) it will take for 620 cm³ of hydrogen sulphide to diffuse through the same partition:

Rate2 = 620 cm³ / t seconds

Solving for t: t = (620 cm³ * 30 seconds) / Rate2

Substituting the value of Rate2: t ≈ (620 cm³ * 30 seconds) / [(465 cm³ / 30 seconds) * √(64 / 34)]

Simplifying the equation: t ≈ (620 cm³ * 30 seconds * √(34 / 64)) / 465 cm³

Calculating the approximate value of t will give you the time it takes for 620 cm³ of hydrogen sulfide to diffuse through the same partition.

Please note that the final calculation might require an actual numerical calculation to get a precise value for t.