The number of realms of paper varies inversely as the cube root of number of question paper. When there are 3 realms, on question papers were produced. Find the number of realms when 27 question papers are produced and also number of question papers when 2 realms are available

Your typos make things a bit confusing, but the inverse variation means

y = k/∛x
Plug in your numbers to find k, and then you can find y when x=27 and x when y=2

Explain how to solve it

I mean inverse proportion

Don't understand you

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In this problem, we are given that the number of realms of paper varies inversely as the cube root of the number of question papers.

Let's assume the number of realms of paper is represented by "r" and the number of question papers is represented by "q".

From the given information, we know that:

r ∝ 1 / ∛q

Now, we can use this relationship to find the number of realms when 27 question papers are produced.

When q = 3 (3 question papers were produced), we know that r = 3 (3 realms).

So, we can set up a proportion:

r₁ / q₁ = r₂ / q₂

Where r₁ = 3, q₁ = 3, and q₂ = 27 (as we want to find the number of realms when 27 question papers are produced).

Plugging in the values, we get:

3 / 3 = r₂ / 27

Now, let's solve for r₂:

3 * 27 = 3 * r₂

81 = r₂

Therefore, when 27 question papers are produced, there will be 81 realms of paper.

Now, let's find the number of question papers when 2 realms are available.

Using the given relationship, we have:

r ∝ 1 / ∛q

When r = 2 (2 realms), we can set up a proportion again:

r₁ / q₁ = r₂ / q₂

Where r₁ = 2, r₂ = 2, and q₂ is what we want to find.

2 / 2 = 2 / q₂

Dividing both sides by 2:

1 = 2 / q₂

Now, let's solve for q₂:

q₂ = 2 / 1

q₂ = 2

Therefore, when 2 realms are available, there will be 2 question papers.