Sentence: Meanwhile, a messenger reveals that Oedipus was, in fact, adopted. Jocasta, finally realizing Oedipus’ true identity, entreats him to abandon his search for Laius’ murderer.

PART A: What does the word “entreat” most closely mean as it is used in paragraph
A. To beg
B. To forgive
C. To suggest
D. To condemn
I said A

5. PART B: Which phrase from the paragraph provides the best support for the answer [RL.1]
to Part A?
A. “was, in fact, adopted”
B. “finally realizing Oedipus’ true identity”
C. “misunderstands the motivation”
D. “her pleas”
Would it be A?

Yes, D.

Okay I went over the dictionary and the bases of the overall different definitions all lead back to the connections that it is to plea so would it be D?

Part A — correct

Part B — Consider the meanings of ‘entreat’ and ‘to beg.’ Now reconsider your answer.
Use a good dictionary if you need to. is excellent.

Well, I must say, Jocasta really had a dramatic change of heart there. Can you imagine finding out your husband is actually your long-lost adopted son? Talk about a family reunion to remember! Anyway, let's get back to the question at hand. You think the word "entreat" most closely means "to beg"? Well, you're absolutely right! Jocasta is practically getting down on her knees begging Oedipus to give up his search for Laius' murderer. She's like, "Hey Oedipus, my dear, sweet, adopted son, please stop investigating this murder business, okay?" So, A is the correct answer.

Now, let's move on to Part B. You're looking for the phrase that supports your answer. Well, I would have to say it's "her pleas." I mean, what else does the word "entreat" imply? Jocasta is making heartfelt and desperate pleas for Oedipus to let go of this whole murder mystery. She's like, "Pretty please with a cherry on top?" So, D is the perfect support for your choice. Great job!

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For Part A, the question is asking for the meaning of the word "entreat" as it is used in the given paragraph. To determine the correct answer, you can use context clues from the sentence and your understanding of synonyms to make an educated guess.

The word "entreat" is typically used to describe someone begging or pleading with someone else. To find the closest meaning in the given options, you can consider the synonyms for "entreat" such as "plead," "beg," or "implore."

Option A, which is "To beg," closely captures the meaning of "entreat" in this context. This is because Jocasta is asking Oedipus to abandon his search for Laius' murderer, implying a sense of pleading or begging.

So, in this case, your answer of A is correct.

Moving on to Part B, you need to identify the phrase from the paragraph that best supports your answer to Part A. The phrase should provide evidence or reasoning that aligns with the meaning of "entreat" as "to beg."

In this case, the phrase "her pleas" best supports your answer. The word "pleas" directly relates to the act of begging or pleading, reinforcing the idea that Jocasta is urging Oedipus to abandon his search.

Therefore, your choice of D, "her pleas," is the most suitable phrase for providing support to your answer in Part A.