The range of a set of numbers is 13.25.

The smallest number is -3.875.
Work out the largest number.

largest = smallest + range

1. The ______ is the difference between the largest and the smallest numbers of a set. 2. The _____ is the average number of a set. 3. The ______ is the middle number of a set. 4. The _____ is the most frequently occurring number of a set.

To find the largest number in the set, we need to add the range to the smallest number.

Given that the range is 13.25 and the smallest number is -3.875, we can calculate the largest number using the formula:
Largest Number = Smallest Number + Range

Largest Number = -3.875 + 13.25

Now, we can perform the calculation:
Largest Number = 9.375

Therefore, the largest number is 9.375.

x -(-3.875) = 13.25.