Which option describes nonmetals?

They are good for making into wires.
They conduct heat efficiently.
They are used to make machinery.
They conduct electricity poorly.


Yes, option D is the correct answer. Nonmetals conduct electricity poorly.

Yes, option D is the correct answer. Nonmetals conduct electricity poorly.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the properties of nonmetals. Nonmetals are a group of elements on the periodic table that have certain characteristics different from metals. They are generally poor conductors of heat and electricity. Unlike metals, nonmetals do not have free electrons that can move easily through the material, which is why they do not conduct electricity well.

Options A, B, and C describe characteristics of metals, not nonmetals. Metals are generally good conductors of heat and electricity, and they are often used to make wires and machinery. Therefore, they do not apply to nonmetals.

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