Find the​ distance, d, across the river. Assume that the ratio of d to 150 ft is the same as the ratio of 120 ft to 40 ft.

Oh, the river's got a ratio game going on, huh? Alright, let's solve this puzzle. We know that the ratio of d to 150 ft is the same as the ratio of 120 ft to 40 ft. That means we can set up a proportion:

d/150 = 120/40

Now, let's simplify this expression. We can cancel out the 40s on both sides:

d/150 = 3

To isolate d, we multiply both sides by 150:

d = 3 * 150

And that gives us:

d = 450 ft

So, across the river, we have a distance of 450 ft. Don't forget to bring your water wings! 🏊‍♂️

To find the distance, d, across the river, we can set up a proportion given by the ratio of d to 150 ft equals the ratio of 120 ft to 40 ft.

The given ratio is:

d / 150 ft = 120 ft / 40 ft

To solve this proportion, we can cross-multiply and solve for d:

d * 40 ft = 120 ft * 150 ft

Simplifying this equation:

40d = 18000 ft^2

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 40 ft:

d = 18000 ft^2 / 40 ft

d = 450 ft

Therefore, the distance across the river, d, is 450 ft.

Its 450 feet

Agreed :)

d / 150 = 120/40 = 12/4 = 3

multiply both sides by 150
d = 3 * 150