16. Compare and contrast the fight for civil rights for Mexican Americans and African Americans.

17. Describe the factors that led to the urbanization of Texas during and after WWII.

I'm not sure what to write for these questions. Can someone help give me some ideas?

1. Go to http://www.google.com

2. Type in civil rights leaders african americans (or whatever search terms you need). Press Enter.

3. Read different search results until you find what you need.

4. Type in civil rights leaders mexican americans (or whatever search terms you need). Press Enter.

5. Read different search results until you fine what you need.

6. Re-search with different search terms if you don't find all you need.

PS — You should find TONS of information involving these two men: Dr Martin Luther King, Jr, and Cesar Chavez. In addition, go here and read lots for the second question: https://www.google.com/search?q=urbanization+after+wwii&oq=urbanization+after+wwii&aqs=chrome..69i57.8118j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8


Of course! I can help you come up with ideas for both questions.

16. To compare and contrast the fight for civil rights for Mexican Americans and African Americans, you can follow these steps:

1. Research the historical background: Investigate the history of both movements, including key events and leaders. Look into the Mexican-American Civil Rights Movement (late 19th century to the present) and the African-American Civil Rights Movement (1954-1968).

2. Identify the common goals: Both movements aimed to address social, economic, and political inequalities faced by their respective communities.

3. Analyze the strategies used: Compare the tactics employed by each group, such as nonviolent protests, boycotts, legal actions, and grassroots organizing. Note any similarities or differences in their approaches.

4. Consider the challenges faced: Examine the specific obstacles faced by each group, such as segregation, racial violence, discrimination, and limited access to education and employment opportunities.

5. Evaluate the impact and outcomes: Assess the achievements and lasting impact of both movements. Consider legal changes, cultural shifts, and improved civil rights protections resulting from their efforts.

By following these steps, you can develop a well-rounded and comparative analysis of the fight for civil rights for Mexican Americans and African Americans.

17. To describe the factors that led to the urbanization of Texas during and after WWII, consider the following points:

1. Economic factors: Explore how the demand for labor in wartime industries, such as oil refining, manufacturing, and defense, led to increased urbanization. The growth of industries attracted workers to urban areas.

2. Demographic changes: Discuss how population shifts occurred during and after WWII, with both internal migration (Texans moving from rural areas to cities) and external migration (people from other regions or countries moving to Texas for work opportunities).

3. Technological advancements: Highlight how advancements in transportation, such as highways and automobiles, facilitated urban growth by connecting rural areas and cities. Additionally, advancements in communication and infrastructure improved urban living conditions.

4. Military installations: Analyze the impact of military bases and installations established in Texas during the war. These installations brought an influx of soldiers and personnel, leading to the development of supporting industries and urban areas.

5. Post-war developments: Explore how the end of WWII led to the expansion of industries beyond wartime production, such as manufacturing and electronics. These industries continued to attract workers and contributed to urbanization.

6. Government policies: Discuss how government policies, such as the GI Bill, which provided veterans with education and housing benefits, encouraged urban migration and further development.

By considering these factors, you can provide a comprehensive analysis of the urbanization of Texas during and after WWII. Remember to support your points with relevant examples and sources.